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Tooth Whitening

Is it necessary to have teeth whitening?

A healthy mouth and good-looking white teeth are important when communicating with people. In addition to deformities, teeth that are darker in colour than they should be and poorly maintained can negatively affect your social life. Although natural teeth whitening methods such as teeth whitening with baking soda, whitening toothpaste and tooth whitening pen that you can apply at home provide a certain amount of whitening, it is possible to have healthier and whiter teeth with bleaching, which is a professional teeth whitening procedure to be performed by your dentist.

Why do teeth lose their whiteness?

Antibiotics used in the womb or during infancy, structural disorders that occur during the period when milk teeth transition to permanent teeth, consumption of foods that can affect tooth colour, especially tea, coffee and cigarettes, and excessive consumption of fluorine cause discolouration and loss of whiteness in teeth. Teeth can be discoloured both internally and externally. Internal discolouration is the stains that have penetrated into the tooth enamel and cannot be removed by brushing teeth. Whitening also gives satisfactory results in this type of discolouration. External discolouration, on the other hand, is caused by frequent consumption of things such as tea, coffee and cigarettes that may stain the teeth. It is also possible to get rid of such stains with the teeth whitening method. What is important in this process is that the treatment to be applied to your teeth should be determined after the control of your dentist.

What are teeth whitening methods?

Teeth whitening in the home environment (Home Bleaching): Your dentist performs whitening by placing gel into the plastic mouthpiece specially prepared for you with the measurement taken from your mouth. With this process, the desired whitening is achieved within an average of one week. However, this plastic mouthpiece may need to be worn for 4-8 hours depending on the gel applied during the day.

Teeth whitening in the office environment: With the one-hour Power Bleaching application consisting of whitening gel and light in your dentist's office environment, your tooth colour can be lightened by 3-4 tones in a short time and you can achieve a whiteness that meets your expectations. Power Bleaching is the fastest, most reliable and effective whitening application.

Does tooth whitening damage the teeth?

The solutions used during the teeth whitening process are harmless. The important thing is that the drugs to be used in the teeth whitening process are determined by your dentist according to your tooth structure. The rate of lightening of your tooth colour varies according to the drugs used and the structure of your teeth.

What are the side effects of teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening gels used during the teeth whitening process can cause more or less sensitivity in the teeth depending on the person. Especially sensitivity to hot and cold drinks may disturb you. This is an expected side effect. The important thing is that the sensitivity disappears within 24-48 hours. Your dentist can apply fluoride to reduce sensitivity and make the process more comfortable and may recommend desensitising toothpaste.

How long does the effect of teeth whitening last?

Although the effect of teeth whitening varies from person to person, it is permanent for about 6-24 months. It is also useful to share some practical information. During the whitening process and for about 2 weeks after the end of the process, you should stay away from things such as tea, coffee and cigarettes that change the colour of your teeth.

Can everyone have teeth whitening?

As long as you do not have tooth and gum disease, you can have teeth whitening applied, but only on condition that you undergo a dentist examination. If you have caries and similar problems in your teeth or if you have gum problems for a long time, these problems should be solved first. Afterwards, you can have a teeth whitening procedure. People who should never have teeth whitening are pregnant women, nursing mothers and children whose development is not yet complete.

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