Lodaer Img

Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery

What is oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery? Oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery is a speciality that includes procedures such as tooth extraction, correction of problems in the jaw structure and treatment of cysts or lesions in the mouth. In which cases is tooth extraction necessary? Tooth extraction can be performed when the tooth is severely decayed and cannot be saved, when there is an infection in the roots of the tooth, when it is necessary to make room for orthodontic treatment. [...]

20 Age Tooth Treatment

Should I definitely have my wisdom teeth extracted? If they are in the correct position and do not damage the surrounding tissues, there is no harm in keeping the wisdom teeth in place. However, if your tooth is fused to the jawbone and is not in the proper position, it may need to be extracted considering the damages it may cause in the future. In which cases are wisdom teeth extracted? When is the best time to remove wisdom teeth? [...]

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