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Orthodontics (Braces)

What are the causes of orthodontic problems (dental disorders)?

Problems with ear, nose and throat: When problems related to ear, nose and throat are not intervened in time, they also cause problems with oral and dental health, especially in children in the developmental period. Untreated adenoid and tonsil problems prevent the healthy development of the jawbone and the correct and appropriate positioning of the teeth.

Genetic factors: Like eye colour, having a narrow upper jaw or crowded teeth are among the genetic factors that can be passed from mother and father to the child. For this reason, children whose parents have orthodontic problems should be under the control of a dentist from the time their milk teeth erupt before their permanent teeth erupt.

Bad habits: Bad habits such as finger sucking, bottle use for a long time, tongue and lip sucking, teeth grinding, nail biting, especially during the period when milk teeth are actively used, negatively affect the jaw development of the child and prepare the ground for orthodontic problems.

What does brace treatment do?

Braces treatment has a very important role in the correction of jaw and dental disorders that occurred in childhood. Orthodontic treatment is used in the treatment of oral and jaw structure disorders, tooth alignment disorders and gaps between teeth.

How long does braces treatment take?

The duration of braces treatment varies according to the level of each patient's orthodontic problem. Your dentist determines your treatment process according to your mouth and tooth structure. Dental misalignments can last between 9 and 24 months, while skeletal disorders can last between 2 and 2.5 years.

What are the types of braces?

While a single type of braces was used in the past, today, when aesthetic needs gain importance, braces that support the healthy development of the teeth as well as their beautiful appearance have started to be preferred. Four types of braces are used to ensure the correct placement of the patient's teeth. These are metal braces, transparent plates, lingual braces and porcelain braces, whose treatment times vary according to the age period of the person being treated. At the same time, treatment times also differ from each other. The choice of braces is determined by the joint decision of the dentist and the patient, taking into account the needs and aesthetic expectations of the patient.

1-) Metal Brackets

Metal brackets, which have been used since the past, are the most preferred type by dentists because they are placed on the inner and outer parts of the tooth and are the most robust and durable among braces.

2-) Porcelain Brackets

Porcelain braces, also known as transparent braces, have a more aesthetic appearance than metal braces. Since they are less visible and have an aesthetic appearance, they are generally preferred by adult and female patients. Porcelain braces have a more sensitive structure than metal braces. Therefore, care should be taken.

3-) Lingual Brackets

Lingual braces are braces that are attached to the back surface of the tooth and are preferred by adult patients who attach importance to aesthetic posture because they are not visible.

4-) Transparent Plaques

Transparent aligners are orthodontic application without braces. The aligners, also known as transparent braces, have a removable feature unlike other braces. After your dentist prepares the appropriate aligners for you, he/she delivers them to you and determines the time you need to wear them during the day. The plaques that are removed while eating should be reinserted after cleaning your teeth. The duration of use of the aligners, which provide ease of use compared to braces, and updating them according to your teeth are different. Therefore, a personalised treatment plan should be determined and the person should act strictly in accordance with this process.

What should be considered in braces treatment?

The most important thing to be considered in braces treatment is regular cleaning of the braces and mouth during treatment. Apart from that

  • Especially after eating, no food residue should remain on the braces.
  • Acidic foods and beverages should be avoided.
  • During the period of use of braces, you should consume the foods recommended by your dentist.
  • Foods that can stick to the teeth such as chewing gum should be avoided.

Does braces treatment cause pain?

There is no pain or soreness during the process of braces, but you may start to feel pain a week after the braces are fitted. The reason for this is the pain experienced after the pressure applied to your teeth with braces. For this reason, your dentist will give you painkillers in the first period of your treatment.

What is the best age for orthodontic treatment?

The most appropriate age is 10-12 years. However, it may be necessary to start orthodontic treatment earlier depending on the size of the problems seen in the mouth and jaw.

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