Smile Design




Atamer Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic

Atamer, with its Specialist Dentist staff, works to provide solutions to all problems about Oral and Dental Health, to professionally offer all innovative dental applications that can perform aesthetically high-level procedures and are compatible with developing technologies.

Easy Appointment

You can delivery your application via the form.

Professional Service

If you are looking for a dental clinic that specializes in its field, Atamer oral and dental health polyclinic, we would like to express that we will be happy to provide you with services that you will be satisfied with in a quality treatment environment, both in the field of implants and in all your oral and dental health problems, and we would like to state that you are in the right place.

+90 (216) 755 80 18

You can call our communication line to get support or request an appointment. You can call our communication line to get support or request an appointment. You can call our communication line to get support or to request an appointment. You can call our communication line to get support or request an appointment.

Working Hours

Monday to friday

09:00 – 23:59


09:00 – 23:59

As Atamer oral and dental health polyclinic, we provide service by taking all measures against the covid-19 epidemic.

Tooth Prosthesis

Tooth Prosthesis

If you have more than one or complete missing teeth, the dentures can restore the appearance and function of your natural teeth.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a department of clinical sciences of the Faculty of Dentistry. This section is a field of medical and surgical treatment of aesthetic, functional, and phonetic problems caused by congenital and acquired diseases of soft and hard tissues in the mouth, jaw, and face areas and infectious, traumatic, and all kinds of pathological causes.

Fixed Implant Dentures

Fixed Implant Dentures

There are multiple reasons why patients lose their teeth, including gum disease and other dental complications. Before the invention of dental implants, dentures relied on a tiny bit of suction to stay in position. For those patients who required more retention, messy special adhesives or creams could be used. Nevertheless, no matter which method was used movement and shifting resulted in regret and pain. After the advent of dental implants and a few decades of refinement, we can attach Zirconium or Titanium prosthetic dentures to the implant thereby allowing patients to have restored aesthetics, function, and comfort.

Partial dentures (removable dentures)

Partial dentures (removable dentures)

They are removable prostheses when fixed prostheses
 cannot be applied. The prosthesis holds to the
tooth at the front of the edentulous area with a hook.
How many days does it take for removable dentures to be produced and how many times
should I come?
Stages of partial dentures are the same as
complete dentures. Partial dental dentures are
prepared in nearly 5 sessions as including
impressions and trials. For 5 sessions, on
average 2 weeks is sufficient.

Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth

When wisdom teeth are misaligned, they may position themselves horizontally, be angled toward or away from the second molars, or be angled inward or outward. Poor alignment of wisdom teeth can crowd or damage adjacent teeth, the jawbone, or nerves. Wisdom teeth also...



What is root canal treatment? Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic treatment, is the process of removing infected, injured, or dead pulp from your tooth. The space inside the hard layers of each tooth is called the root canal system. This system is filled...

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Problems encountered in cosmetic dentistry: Discoloration Broken or damaged teeth Crowding or rotated tooth Diastema (spacing or gap) Root surfaces becoming visible due periodontal diseases Dental abrasion White spot lesions Small lateral incisors Currently, dentists...

Smile Makeover

Smile Makeover

Improving your smile can dramatically reinvigorate your entire image. Most people don’t think of a smile makeover as being an alternative to plastic surgery when in fact these cosmetic dental treatments can have a profound impact on the signs of aging and your overall appearance in general.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is an extremely effective way to whiten your teeth. It’s becoming more popular among average people who are looking to correct a dull smile.



Lumineers are a special type of ultra-thin veneers by Cerinate. Just like traditional veneers, Lumineers can reshape your smile and give you that perfect smile makeover.

Zirconium Crowns

Zirconium Crowns

In the most unadulterated terms: Zirconium is gathered mainly from zircon minerals and it is a segment that has a hardness similar to copper and is lighter than that of steel.



Orthodontics (brace treatment) is a type of treatment that aims to restore crooked teeth as well as the relationship between lower and upper jaws.

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry

Are milk teeth important? 20 milk teeth that start to emerge in infancy and help the child’s digestion by biting, chewing, and crushing until the age of 6-7, affect the development of the face and jaw. It preserves the place of permanent teeth and prepares the...

Periodontology (Gum Diseases)

Periodontology (Gum Diseases)

The longer plaque and tartar are on teeth, the more dangerous they become. The bacteria produce an infection of the gums that is called “gingivitis” Symptoms may include redness, puffy and swollen gums. Gums will often be bleeding during tooth brushing or at other times.



Why Dental Implants? Dental implants are artificial roots, usually made of titanium, used to support restorations that resemble a tooth or group of teeth to replace missing teeth. Implants are the most advanced method to replace a missing tooth or a group of teeth....

Atamer Oral and Dental Health Center

Atamer oral and dental health clinic; Oral, Dental, Maxillofacial Diseases and Maxillofacial Surgery, Implantology, Orthodontics (wire treatment), Pedodontics (pediatric dentistry), Endodontics (canal treatment), Periodontology (gum diseases, Aesthetic Dentistry), where the limits of preventive dentistry are always prioritized. is a new generation dental clinic that provides service.As a clinic that has been serving in the field of health for many years, the comfort and health of our patients is one of the primary issues for us.The comfortable and peaceful environment of our clinic helps you smile more.

Gum and Dental Implant
We are experts in the field


To briefly explain the implant treatment, which has been applied frequently in recent times; It is the placement of artificial tooth root titanium structures that are biocompatible with tissues, imitating the tooth root, into the jawbone. Screw teeth, which are the primary choice of patients who have loss of both aesthetic and function due to tooth deficiency, are produced from a tissue-friendly material called titanium.

You are the reason of choice in the treatment of dental diseases with our international patient portfolio and successful clinical operations.