Lodaer Img

Our Services

Periodontology (Gum Diseases)

Gum diseases cover a wide range from simple gingivitis (gingivitis) to severe infections that cause inflammation and melting of the bone surrounding the tooth root (periodontitis). With the disease, the gums swell, bleed, recede, teeth lengthen, teeth can be displaced and lost by shaking.

Pedodontics (Child Dentistry)

Are milk teeth important? The 20 deciduous teeth, which start to erupt in infancy and help the child to bite, chew, crush and digest until about 6-7 years of age, affect the development of the face and jaw. It prepares the necessary foundation for the permanent teeth before they arrive by protecting their place. The early loss of any deciduous tooth allows the neighbouring teeth to move into the gap [...].

Orthodontics (Braces)

What are the causes of orthodontic problems (dental disorders)? Problems related to ear, nose and throat: When problems related to ear, nose and throat are not intervened in time, they also cause problems with oral and dental health, especially in children in the developmental period. Untreated adenoid and tonsil problems prevent the healthy development of the jawbone and the correct and proper positioning of the teeth. Genetic [...]

Implant Surgery

Why Implant? Implant is an application that is reliable, robust and provides lifelong comfort of use. What are the advantages of implants? When implants are made in areas with tooth deficiency, it helps to make a fixed bridge for the surrounding teeth. Prostheses supported by implants can be prepared in cases of single tooth deficiencies, partial edentulism or complete edentulism. The implants are placed in the mouth by maxillofacial surgeons under local anaesthesia. Upper [...]

Zirconium Veneer

Am I suitable for zirconium veneers? Why Zirconium Veneers? Because

Porcelain Lamina

Are you a suitable candidate for porcelain lamina application? Why should you prefer porcelain laminates? Because; You can enjoy a pleasant smile with porcelain laminates as long as you brush your teeth regularly, use dental floss and do not neglect your dentist checks.

Tooth Whitening

Is it necessary to have teeth whitening? A healthy mouth and good-looking white teeth are important when communicating with people. In addition to deformities, teeth that are darker in colour than they should be and poorly maintained can negatively affect your social life. Natural teeth whitening methods such as teeth whitening with baking soda, whitening toothpaste and teeth whitening pen that you can apply at home can be applied in a certain [...].

Digital Smile Design

Firstly, we photograph your teeth in a professional environment and take digital measurements with 3D devices, which are the latest product of current technology. In our special programme for digital smile design, we match the photograph taken and the 3D digital impression taken, review all aesthetic factors such as your lip and gum level, the length of your teeth, the harmony with the general structure of your mouth, and design the most suitable design for you [...].

Aesthetic Dentistry

It is now much easier to have a healthy and aesthetic smile with aesthetic dentistry applications that produce special solutions for you.

What is Endodontics (Root-Canal Treatment)?

Endodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the treatment of diseases of the pulp tissue, which is the vascular nerve package that protects and nourishes the tooth inside the teeth.

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