If they are in the correct position and do not damage the surrounding tissues, there is no harm in keeping the wisdom teeth in place. However, if your tooth is fused to the jawbone and is not in the appropriate position, it may need to be extracted considering the damages it may cause in the future.
- If you have tooth decay
- If you have gum disease problems,
- If it presses on other teeth and this pressure causes pain,
- If crowding has started to occur in your existing teeth due to the pressure on other teeth,
- If prosthesis will be applied inside the mouth,
- If it causes cyst formation, wisdom teeth must be extracted.
A badly positioned tooth should be extracted between the ages of 14 and 22, whether or not it causes complaints. Younger operations are technically easier and recovery is quicker. Operations over 40 years of age are more difficult. In addition, side effects increase with increasing age and the healing period is prolonged.
Depending on the location, shape and size of the wisdom tooth, the degree of difficulty of the procedure varies. After a simple extraction, there may be slight swelling, pain and bleeding. The condition improves within a few days. As the bone structure becomes denser and flexibility decreases in advanced ages, extraction becomes more difficult and healing slows down.
- Do not tamper with the wound. This may cause pain, infection or bleeding.
- Do not chew with the side where your tooth was extracted for the first 24 hours.
- Do not smoke for the first 24 hours. Because smoking increases bleeding and impairs healing.
- Do not spit. If you do, the bleeding will increase and the clot may dislodge.
- Check for bleeding. If there are no stitches, make a tampon with sterile gauze. Keep the tampon in the mouth for half an hour for clot formation. If bleeding continues after the tampon is removed, insert a new one.
- Control swelling. By applying a cold tampon to the area after the operation, the circulation is slowed down and swelling of your face is prevented. The application is done in periods of 20 minutes cold tampon-20 minutes interval- 20 minutes cold tampon again.
- After the first 24 hours, gargle with a mixture prepared by adding 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 glass of warm water every 2 hours.
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